Box Office: Pro-Trump 'Death of a Nation' Is First Political Doc to Bow Nationwide in 10 Years
Dinesh D'Souza's film has been blessed by the Trump family on the eve of its debut in more than 1,000 theaters. Critics, who skew left along with Hollywood and most media, have not been kind to the documentary as they rarely are to political messages they don't agree with.
This documentary draws parallels between the dramatic fracturing of the nation over Abraham Lincoln's presidency and the presidency of Donald Trump. Themovie shows the real dark side of the Left and how a leader like Mussolini drew his ideas from the Democrat party and same with Hitler to some extent. No wonder the mainstream media has little good to say about the movie but that doesn't mean the public can't have an open mind and judge the movie and even research the movie's facts for themselves. In these divisive times, the movie could provide some real education with real, supported facts we don't often get in the news anymore.
Death of A Nation Movie Documentary documentary draws parallels between the fracturing of the nation over Abraham Lincoln's presidency and that of Donald Trump